Monday, May 27, 2019

How to Send Money to the Philippines Using Western union App?

I've been using this App for Quite a long time. and what I like to this App is really convenient when it comes to the Money Remittance. its hustle free, SO decide to share it with you guys.

STEP 1: Download the western union App and make sure it is available in your country.
and signup if you don't have a western union account.
once you log in you are ready to make your first transaction.
The App looks like this

Step 2: Send Money
once you are ready to send money just click send money button.

Step 3: Choose which country are you sending to. (example) you are sending it to the Philippines. [receiver gets] its either 
Philippine Pesos or USD your choice.

How will your receivers get it?
1: Cash Pickup
2:Bank Account

How will you pay?
1: Credit card
2: Bank account
3:Debit card
4: Pay in-store 
after you decide which feature are you gonna use just click next.

Step 4: Add your Reciever

Step 5: Receivers information
and click [add]

Step 6: Check all the information if correct
and Check the empty box at the bottom.

Step 7: Are you sending money to pay for something in response to a telemarketing sales call? the answer is [NO] always keep in mind that you are not sending money to anyone you did know. bad and scammers are everywhere. be careful

Step 8: Last but not the least [SEND] Button]
and you are done!. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I hope this blog helps you. 

please check my Youtube channel here.


  1. di ko pa naranasan sa western union bayot yung samin xoom ang ginagamit namin $5 din naman sya ang charges..

    1. xoom ka pala vayoot? may point kasi akong naiipon pag nagpadala ako.

    2. sa xoom yot wla man.. peru dali ra sad nua.. murag parehas ra man sad siguro uy
